Friday, July 23, 2010

The dreaded crimson

Got my blood drawn last night for a pregnancy test. This morning I go to the bathroom and AF greets me. I got into the shower and cried. I prayed every night for a BFP and now I know it's not happening. My final confirmation (as if AF wasn't enough) was calling my RE and getting my NP on the phone telling me she was sorry but its negative.

Right now I'm at home in the darkness (as much as one can be in the middle of the day), mourning this latest failure. This weekend will probably be a slight binge in food and maybe a drink or two to numb the pain. Since August and September are my busiest months I will be hyper dieting (back to being a Nazi about my food) and back to the gym 5 days a week. I'm hoping to drop 15 or so pounds before I start again. I may not even try for a cycle for the rest of the year and just keep losing weight instead while I build myself up again for another cycle.

I did everything I could and yet my first ovulation was unsuccessful. Guess I was a dope thinking it could happen for me and my baby would be born on my grandmothers birthday.

I've cried and cleaned. Not sure what else I can do at this point. The blessing is that I have at least a month before I have to see the in-laws and tell them the cycle didn't work out.

1 comment:

  1. My period always does that! Shows up after I go in for the blood test! I know that pain! Hugs!!
