Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Where I am

I am feeling in an introspective kind of mood. In that line of thought I put together two lists (since i am a list queen!)

What I'm proud of (currently):

- The fact that I've gone to the gym 4 times in the last 8 days (going to add one tonight)

- That my pants fit better (almost to the point of needing them fixed since no belt loops on the pants)

- TMI but sex is more active and better

- I can see and feel the changes in my body

- I'm not having as many sweet cravings

- I am more conscious of what I'm eating, and most of that is fruit or veggie based

- I've taken steps to become a homeowner and could be one by my birthday

Things that need more work:

- I'm not balancing the house work and life very well. I think I need to go back to doing stuff everyday rather than once a week

- Even with eating better than I was previously I need more fiber

- I've been really deviating from the recommended diet guidelines and I think I could lose more weight if I was stricter following the guidelines.

- I'm not being disciplined with keeping track of my money. I think it's time for the journal to pop up with the money it it again.

I'm feeling good and more positive everyday. I do realize there will be bad days but in general those will fall away and the happy days will remain.

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