Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Fantasy vs Reality

Any IFer knows there are two places you have a foot on at any given time: Fantasy and Reality.

Anything can spin you off into the relm of Fantasy and try as you might Reality comes crashing in. Here's my story from yesterday.

I went to the bathroom yesterday and there was some blood. What was my immediate thought: Implantation bleeding! Yes I went to that OMG BABY!!!!! It doesn't matter that I don't know if I ovulated, it was CD22 and in a "normal" cycle implantation could theoretically take place around this. Then the fantasy of going in for my ultrasound on Thursday to "hrm whats that in your uterus, OMG get this girl a pregnancy test stat" (cause in my fantasys all doctor lingo comes from Greys Anatomy). And the thing is that it could theoretically be possible. My cervix was high and soft around cd 12 and the mucus was perfect (btw I hate checking for mucus, I always feel like I need to buy my Vag a drink before I do it).

But the reality is that most likely Ovulation didn't occur and this was just spotting.

I prefer the fantasy don't you?

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