Friday, March 26, 2010

20 lbs down!

So I weighed myself on the Wii (yay Wii Fit plus!) and subtracting my clothes I have officially hit my first weight loss goal! I'm at 191 where I was originally at 211. My clothes fit better (and in some cases don't fit because they are too big!) and I have energy to do stuff again. I turn the music on more often to grove while I'm doing chores and not worrying if I'm bugging the hubs (I do clear it with him if he's home first). All in all I'm satisfied with what I've done thus far. So to celebrate I baked 2.5 dozen chocolate chip cookies and brought them in for my office. Everyone is really happy to see them on a Friday. And my chocolate chip cookies are the bomb! Heh. I'm proud that while baking them I only ate a little of the dough and only one cookie after they came out of the oven. I've only had 1 cookie this morning. Before I started to change everything I would have eaten half a dozen cookies once they got out of the oven.

So it's taken me almost 4 months to lose 20lbs. I don't know if that's a good pace or not but it's where I am.
Here's whats worked for me thus far:
  • I cleaned out 99% of all the BAD stuff from my kitchen and pantry (aka processed foods, pasta, dairy, etc). I gave the 2 boxes of that stuff to my best friend who is a little tight on money so I know it wouldn't go to waste.
  • I replaced it with veggies and fruit and lean protien as per the book I'm mostly following for diet (The Natural diet solution for PCOS and infertility)
  • I told my husband at the begining I didn't have the will power to not eat the "bad" suff if it was in the house so he supported me not bringing that stuff into the house (and has kept his own stash at work so he wasn't completely deprived)
  • I have one offical cheat meal a month. We usually end up going out and we used to go out pretty regularly so this has helped us save money as well.
  • I have made going to the gym a habit at least 2x a week. That was the biggest and hardest change. I went from no activity to working out for about 40 minutes 2-3 times a week.
  • When I grocery shop I think about what I can take for lunch and snacks since that's where I would eat the most "bad" stuff
  • Positive self-talk like "i can do this, i've already done half, the rest will be easy"
  • Been open with the people around me that I'm trying to lose weight and I have a "see-food" mentality. If I see it I begin to crave it.

So what do I need to do to meet the next 20lb goal?

  • I need to consistantly go three times a week to the gym and I want to incorporate one night of class into it because I think there will be a bigger benefit to me rather than just my cardio, then weights.
  • I need to cut down on my non offical cheats. I think by restarting a food journal this will help me cut down some of the caloric intake from all that junk.
  • Funnel my bugeted money into saving for other things rather than spending on cheats.
  • Continue with the positive self-talk, it does help to motivate. It helps even more when I'm not looking at the timer.

All in all I'm incredibly proud of myself! I'm 1/3 of the way there, only 45 more pounds to go!

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