Monday, March 1, 2010

February in review

Going back to my goals I set at the begining of February I want to see how far I've gotten:

  • Hit gym at least 12 times (Made it, one week hit it 4 times, last week only twice)
  • Lose 10 lbs, putting my weight at 189 (I lost 5 lbs putting me at 194, not bad but I know how to make that go back up)
  • Vitamins everyday (I only take them when I'm at work since they are staring at me, gotta figure out how to make that through the weekend)
  • Work in garden (planted two rose bushes and a blueberry bush)
  • Get seeds germinated (nope, I'm reluctant to since we could be moving when things are starting to fruit)
  • Finish reorganization (nope, still have the sitting room and Z's office to go)
  • Paperwork organized (nope, haven't even touched it)
  • Document money spent (nope, keep leaving the note book behind)
  • Save $100 (nope, spent every penny)
So I've hit one major goal and missed the rest. What can I learn from this? Well I make alot of goals for myself in the space of one month. So I'm going to have to think about this tonight and come up with my March goals. Maybe 4/5 goals instead of 9.


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